Yuthika, Noah, Lucia, Shreyas, Julie, Sophia, Annie, Anna, Justin
We are a student-led initiative that works to create sustainable solutions to combat violence occurring in the Philippines. Our project was to create a social/media campaign or funding system for a project that will help to improve the quality of life in the country we choose to represent. With this project, we were made to choose a country with a HDI value of 0.700 or less, with Philippines having an HDI value of 0.699 ranking 116 in all countries globally, we decided to choose Philippines.
HDI Explained
The Human Development Index is an index made up of a variety of statistics of life expectancy, education, and per capita income indicators. This is used to rank countries into four different human development categories based on a scale from 0-1. These categories include: very high human development (0.8-1.0), high human development (0.7-0.79), medium human development (0.55-.70), and low human development (below 0.55).
The GDI is a specific development index focusing on gender gaps in achievements in three basic categories of human development: health (measured by female and male life expectancy at birth), knowledge (measured by female and male expected years of schooling for children and mean years of schooling for adults aged 25 years and older) and living standards (measured by female and male estimated GNI per capita).
The MPI helps to comprehend how people experience poverty in many and concurrent ways, the MPI goes beyond money. Ten indicators covering the three major areas of health, education, and standard of life are used to show how individuals are falling behind. Multidimensionally impoverished people are those who suffer from deprivation in at least one-third of these weighted measures.
Background Informatiomn
The Philippines Southeast Asia, located in the western Pacific country that consists of over 7000 islands. Manila, the capital city of the country is located on the island of Luzon, the largest island in the country. The country is named after the king of Spain, Philip the 2nd, when Spain colonized the islands in 1689.